Poyraz harbour: the Bosphorus and 3rd bridge looking south
Poyraz harbour: the Bosphorus and 3rd bridge looking south
Poyraz harbour: the Bosphorus and 3rd bridge looking south
Poyraz harbour: the Bosphorus and 3rd bridge looking south
Poyraz: the Ottoman fountain
Poyraz: the Ottoman fountain
Poyraz: the upper entrance to the abandoned NATO fort
Poyraz: the upper entrance to the abandoned NATO fort
Poyraz: the upper entrance to the abandoned NATO fort
Poyraz: the upper entrance to the abandoned NATO fort
Poyraz: rusting NATO radar
Poyraz: rusting NATO radar
Poyraz: the NATO viewpoint looking north towards Anadolu Feneri
Poyraz: the NATO viewpoint looking north towards Anadolu Feneri
Poyraz: part (former guardhouse?) of the abandoned NATO fort
Poyraz: part (former guardhouse?) of the abandoned NATO fort
upper Poyraz: crossing a barrier
upper Poyraz: crossing a barrier
Poyraz: Fatemah
Poyraz: Fatemah
Poyraz: Fatemah
Poyraz: Fatemah
Poyraz: the ruined Genoese fort
Poyraz: the ruined Genoese fort
Poyraz SE wood: view south towards the motorway
Poyraz SE wood: view south towards the motorway
Poyraz SE wood: orange winter bracken
Poyraz SE wood: orange winter bracken
Poyraz SE wood: we take a breather
Poyraz SE wood: we take a breather
KYK wood: signs and a military fence
KYK wood: signs and a military fence
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: loading logs
KYK wood: logs
KYK wood: logs
KYK wood: our first day dog takes a mud bath
KYK wood: our first day dog takes a mud bath
KYK wood: just cleared woodland
KYK wood: just cleared woodland
KYK wood: farmhouse turkeys
KYK wood: farmhouse turkeys
KYK wood: farmhouse guarddog (not in the least interested in guarding)
KYK wood: farmhouse guarddog (not in the least interested in guarding)
KYK wood: an openair bar
KYK wood: an openair bar
Anadolu Feneri descent:  coming to the stone beach
Anadolu Feneri descent: coming to the stone beach
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: our first day dog washes off the mud
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: our first day dog washes off the mud
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: our first day dog washes off the mud
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: our first day dog washes off the mud
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: climbing over a outcrop
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: climbing over a outcrop
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: climbing over a outcrop
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: climbing over a outcrop
Anadolu Feneri harbour: view
Anadolu Feneri harbour: view
Anadolu Feneri harbour: coming over the headland
Anadolu Feneri harbour: coming over the headland
Anadolu Feneri harbour: coming over the headland
Anadolu Feneri harbour: coming over the headland
Anadolu Feneri harbour: sea rock
Anadolu Feneri harbour: sea rock
Anadolu Feneri harbour: messages of love
Anadolu Feneri harbour: messages of love
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: view from the mosque
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: view from the mosque
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: view from the mosque
Anadolu Feneri stone beach: view from the mosque
Anadolu Feneri harbour: view from the mosque
Anadolu Feneri harbour: view from the mosque
Anadolu Feneri: villagers
Anadolu Feneri: villagers
between Anadolu Feneri  and Yom beach: a pointless military fence
between Anadolu Feneri and Yom beach: a pointless military fence
Yom descent: coming down the headland
Yom descent: coming down the headland
Yom descent: coming down the headland
Yom descent: coming down the headland
Yom beach: assembling
Yom beach: assembling
Yom beach: group photo with our 3 new daydogs
Yom beach: group photo with our 3 new daydogs
Yom meadow: a yellow flower
Yom meadow: a yellow flower
Yom meadow: daisies in the form of a plough
Yom meadow: daisies in the form of a plough
Yom crest: a breather
Yom crest: a breather
Yom crest: goats
Yom crest: goats
Yom crest: goats
Yom crest: goats
Yom crest: Tasha
Yom crest: Tasha
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: a breather
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: a breather
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: cupboard love
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: cupboard love
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: winter tree
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: winter tree
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: unfortunately one of our daydogs was a cow worrier
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: unfortunately one of our daydogs was a cow worrier
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: the new terraces
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: the new terraces
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: the new terraces
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: the new terraces
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: venerable trees
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: venerable trees
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: venerable trees
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: venerable trees
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: venerable trees
between Yom crest and Riva abandoned military installations: venerable trees
Riva abandoned military installations: red (military training?) sign
Riva abandoned military installations: red (military training?) sign
Riva abandoned military installations: modern ruins
Riva abandoned military installations: modern ruins
Riva filmset: yurts
Riva filmset: yurts
Riva filmset: yurt
Riva filmset: yurt
Riva filmset: yurt
Riva filmset: yurt
Riva harbour: view towards the Black Sea
Riva harbour: view towards the Black Sea
Riva: the old mosque
Riva: the old mosque
Riva fort: detail
Riva fort: detail
Riva: urban cows (bovine traffic police maybe)
Riva: urban cows (bovine traffic police maybe)

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