Sultaniye bus station: a cat rests on my shoes
Sultaniye bus station: a cat rests on my shoes
Bozhane: early spring trees
Bozhane: early spring trees
the Riva river: the footbridge between Bozhane and Öǧümce
the Riva river: the footbridge between Bozhane and Öǧümce
the Riva river: reflections of trees
the Riva river: reflections of trees
Öǧümce: ruin
Öǧümce: ruin
between Öǧümce and the Öǧümce shale slope: Göllü (I think) across the other side of the valley
between Öǧümce and the Öǧümce shale slope: Göllü (I think) across the other side of the valley
Öǧümce shale slope: we have canine company
Öǧümce shale slope: we have canine company
Öǧümce shale slope: we have canine company
Öǧümce shale slope: we have canine company
Öǧümce shale slope: tree growing on an outcrop
Öǧümce shale slope: tree growing on an outcrop
Öǧümce shale slope: we have canine company
Öǧümce shale slope: we have canine company
Öǧümce shale slope: tortoise
Öǧümce shale slope: tortoise
Öǧümce shale slope: moss
Öǧümce shale slope: moss
Deǧirmen SE forest: zoomorphic tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: zoomorphic tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: venerable tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: venerable tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: roots
Deǧirmen SE forest: roots
Deǧirmen SE forest: large snail
Deǧirmen SE forest: large snail
Deǧirmen SE forest: happy daydog
Deǧirmen SE forest: happy daydog
Deǧirmen SE forest: canines crossing under the motorway
Deǧirmen SE forest: canines crossing under the motorway
Deǧirmen SE forest: woodscape
Deǧirmen SE forest: woodscape
Deǧirmen SE forest: tentative wallow
Deǧirmen SE forest: tentative wallow
Deǧirmen SE forest: small snake
Deǧirmen SE forest: small snake
Deǧirmen SE forest: treescape
Deǧirmen SE forest: treescape
Deǧirmen SE forest: on track
Deǧirmen SE forest: on track
Deǧirmen SE forest: daydog and treescape
Deǧirmen SE forest: daydog and treescape
Deǧirmen SE forest: young bracken and blue flowers
Deǧirmen SE forest: young bracken and blue flowers
Deǧirmen SE forest: happy hikers
Deǧirmen SE forest: happy hikers
Deǧirmen SE forest: leaves and trunks
Deǧirmen SE forest: leaves and trunks
Deǧirmen SE stream: fallen tree
Deǧirmen SE stream: fallen tree
Deǧirmen SE stream: daydog
Deǧirmen SE stream: daydog
Deǧirmen SE stream: daydogs
Deǧirmen SE stream: daydogs
Deǧirmen SE stream: streambed
Deǧirmen SE stream: streambed
Deǧirmen SE forest: right-angled tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: right-angled tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: hilkers and daydog
Deǧirmen SE forest: hilkers and daydog
Deǧirmen SE forest: small pack of daydogs
Deǧirmen SE forest: small pack of daydogs
Deǧirmen SE forest: small pack of daydogs
Deǧirmen SE forest: small pack of daydogs
Deǧirmen SE forest: small pack of daydogs
Deǧirmen SE forest: small pack of daydogs
Deǧirmen SE forest: Fatemah
Deǧirmen SE forest: Fatemah
Deǧirmen reservoir: dogs crossing the bridge
Deǧirmen reservoir: dogs crossing the bridge
Deǧirmen reservoir: view north towards Deǧirmendere with the motorway behind
Deǧirmen reservoir: view north towards Deǧirmendere with the motorway behind
Deǧirmen SE forest: puffball (I think)
Deǧirmen SE forest: puffball (I think)
Deǧirmen SE forest: self-embracing tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: self-embracing tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: self-embracing tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: self-embracing tree
Deǧirmen SE forest: tree and young leaves
Deǧirmen SE forest: tree and young leaves
Deǧirmen SE forest: tree and young leaves
Deǧirmen SE forest: tree and young leaves
Deǧirmen SE forest: daydog leading the way
Deǧirmen SE forest: daydog leading the way
Deǧirmen SW stream: about to come up a bank
Deǧirmen SW stream: about to come up a bank
Deǧirmen SW stream: view
Deǧirmen SW stream: view
Deǧirmen SW stream: streambed
Deǧirmen SW stream: streambed
Deǧirmen SW stream: streambed
Deǧirmen SW stream: streambed
Deǧirmen SW stream: wood fungi
Deǧirmen SW stream: wood fungi
Deǧirmen SW stream: ledge
Deǧirmen SW stream: ledge
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: woodscape
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: woodscape
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: woodscape
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: woodscape
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: tree
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: tree
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: frog
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: frog
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: we today
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: we today
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: daydog
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: daydog
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: tree in white blossom
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: tree in white blossom
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: daydogs
Deǧirmen SW hilltop: daydogs
Kozlu tributary valley: the stream
Kozlu tributary valley: the stream
Kozlu tributary valley: path
Kozlu tributary valley: path
Kozlu tributary valley: daydogs
Kozlu tributary valley: daydogs
Kozlu reservoir: view
Kozlu reservoir: view
Mahmut Şevket Paşa: heather
Mahmut Şevket Paşa: heather
Mahmut Şevket Paşa: tree and daydogs
Mahmut Şevket Paşa: tree and daydogs
Alibahadır E valley: tree and pylon
Alibahadır E valley: tree and pylon
Alibahadır E valley: tree in white blossom
Alibahadır E valley: tree in white blossom
Alibahadır E valley: white and pink blossom
Alibahadır E valley: white and pink blossom
Alibahadır E valley: ruined aqueduct
Alibahadır E valley: ruined aqueduct
Alibahadır E valley: part of the aqueduct system
Alibahadır E valley: part of the aqueduct system
Alibahadır E valley: rock
Alibahadır E valley: rock
Alibahadır E valley: buttercups
Alibahadır E valley: buttercups
Alibahadır E valley: venerable tree
Alibahadır E valley: venerable tree

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